Does the brand of breast implant matter?

If you've ever searched about breast implants online, you'll know how confusing it can get with all the different types of implants out there. This is because the types of implants have become very diverse as technology develops. Some of the most popular implant brands in recent years are Motiva, Mentor and others.

Dr. Ban Jaesang from Banobagi Plastic Surgery explains more about the major breast implant brands.

Motiva uses advanced silicon gel in an ergonomic way, with strong durability, soft outer skin, and similar touch and movement to real breast tissue. Above all, they also passed the stricted and most demanding European CE certification.

The parent company of Mentor is Johnson & Johnson, and they have been manufacturing breast implants for the longest period. It has a proven safety record, with 10 years of tracking patient data, and also meets FDA standards. As they are an established manufacturer, they offer a large range of choices differing in size, texture, and shape.

What to look out for in a breast implant?

It should maintain a natural shape in any posture, be it standing, sitting or lying down, as well as being soft and elastic with a feel that is similar to actual breast. Picking one with a new surface that uses fine and even particles will reduce the risk of capsular contracture. The silky surface also allows the implant to be inserted with relatively smaller incisions, leaving fewer scars. It should also be strong and durable, which reduces the risk of breakage, and also reduces the chance of rippling deformity phenomenon, which is when the implant starts to show when leaning forward. It should also be suitable for revision surgery, which is usually more complex and difficult than the first surgery.

Dr. Ban Jaesang, director of Banobagi Plastic Surgery, shared that "In order to get satisfactory breast implantation results, careful selection should be made by considering the body shape, skin condition, shape and size of the chest right from the implant selection stage. Once the direction of the surgery is decided through thorough diagnosis and systematic analysis with a breast implant specialist who has extensive experience, you can expect more satisfactory surgery results."

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