Image Filler, enhancing face volume and line without surgery

image filler in korea

What is Image Filler?

Image Filler is a procedure that treats multiple facial parts such as forehead, smile lines, lips, nose, chin and other places to achieve a beautiful, balanced face. Unlike a regular filler, a plastic surgeon is designing a whole image of the patient rather than a part of the face according to the scientifically attractive facial proportion and features. Whether it is volume, wrinkles or scars, doctors can use appropriate types of filler for each area to achieve naturally enhanced and balanced facial features.  

image filler in korea

Who needs it?

  1. Those who want to get sophisticatedly corrected face lines and angles without surgery.

  2. Those who want to improve volumes, and get rid of wrinkles & acne scars.

  3. Those who need a longer duration (up to two years) than common fillers.

  4. Those who want a customized design based on individuals as well as scientifically attractive facial proportions and features. 

  5. Before an important event including wedding, photography, and interview. 

More info?

Interested in getting a quote or customized consultation? Please request a consultation here or contact our concierge at or Whatsapp +82-10-6576-1267.