Interview about Korean Face Lift with Dr. Kim at MH Clinic in Seoul

face lifting in korea

Ultherapy, Thermarge, Sculptra, Aqua Shine, Rejuran healer, Baby face injection, Dermatox.. you name it. There has been a massive influx of new lifting procedures every day. To help all of us who are overwhelmed, Eunogo asked Dr. Kim Jiseon, a board-certified dermatologist at MH Clinic for tips on choosing the most suitable lifting procedure.


When I opened my first clinic 10 years ago, there were not many lifting procedures around. Now, various procedures have been developed and some people have suffered from side effects from not properly validated procedures. Lifting is not a simple ‘procedure’, but rather a ‘surgery’ and it should not be an easy decision for patients.

The current overflow of new lifting procedures is not desirable. Some clinics use the same method and materials but only change the name of the treatment to disguise them as brand new. Also, new procedures without enough verification period can be dangerous. Many people are likely to think that procedures that are exposed online a lot are the answer, but they are not.

"It is impossible to choose the right lifting procedure for yourself just through online search."

MH’s philosophy is to find the most suitable lifting procedure for each patient because most patients do not know the process and material behind each procedure. By understanding each patient’s skin types and concerns, I’d like to help patients get the right procedure with appropriate treatment.

There are many patients who come to me saying “my friend got Ulthermage and it really worked very well on her so I want the same procedure as well”. However, each person has his or her own skin type, and it can cause serious trouble if they have a different skin type from that of their friend. For example, if the skin is extremely sensitive and dry, it may be necessary to make the skin tissue thicker with another procedure, rather than performing Ulthermage straight away.

To determine which treatment will be suitable for each person, doctor needs to map out based on patient’s skin type, age, aging degree, lifting area, density of tissue and elasticity of skin.

"It is the design process for the lifting procedure that best suits each individual."

There is no such thing as The Best Lifting Procedure suitable for everyone, for every part of the face. What’s right for someone else can cause you adverse effects.

More info?

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