Korean celebrities' secrets behind glowing, porcelain skin

Have you ever noticed that Korean celebrities have glowing, porcelain skin? If you want to know secrets of their dewy skin that glows from within, here they are.

1. Derma Shine Injection ($440+)

Photo Credit: Grace Clinic

This procedure is famous as a must-treatment for Korean celebrities before shooting cosmetic commercials. Derma Shine injection supplements moisture, nutrients and hyaluronic acid(HA) that is natural substance in our body, but diminishes as we age. It brings deep skin hydration by forming moisture layer around the skin along with anti-aging effects, making your skin hyper-glossy. If you want glowing, radiant complexion like Korean celebrities, pamper yourself with Derma Shine injection!

2. Witch’s Magic Shot ($700+)

Photo Credit: Le Miel

Ultra-smooth and hyper glossy skin is hard to achieve only by using cosmetic products, especially when our skin loses its elasticity and moisture as we age. Witch’s magic shot not only rejuvenate and regenerate the skin but also improve the skin tone for our dry and sluggish face.  Injecting highly enriched PRP, which is autologous blood growth factor, and pure collagen, the procedure reduces wrinkles and help you regain skin elasticity and achieve coveted glow.

3. 7-Skin Method

Photo Credit: beautyandlifestylehunter 

There are also daily skincare routines to make your skin plumped with hydration. 7-skin method is also one of them. 7-skin method, which can also be translated to 7-toner method, is a way of providing deep hydration by simply applying toner or a watery essence to your face up to seven times. Since your skin gets to absorb moisture 7 times in succession, provided optimal balance between oil and moisture, you will feel rich hydration as if you used mask pack.

This easy, yet effective skincare routine is getting more and more popular in Korea and even introduced in the famous Korea TV shows. However, it is really important to keep it mind that the toner you use must be mild and alcohol-free because most of the toners aren’t designed to be applied several times.

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