Is hair transplant actually effective and permanent?

Here at Eunogo, we’ve noticed that more people seem to be struggling with hair loss these days, including younger people. Research has pointed out that this could be due to increased stress, diet, lifestyle changes, and even the hair products you use. Hair loss can create more stress and self-confidence issues, and it’s not easily resolved with just any product. Many people who face hair loss try lots of products, and see no results. Some products may even be harmful and cause further hair loss.

One effective solution to hair loss is hair transplant. Hair transplant is taking healthy hair from the thicker areas and implanting them into the areas that require more hair. We spoke to a hair transplant specialist, Director Lee Kyoung-gu, to find out more about the hair transplant surgery process. Director Lee Kyoung-gu, the resident doctor at Banobagi's Hair Transplant Center, is a hair transplant specialist who has performed over 3,000 surgeries and has 13 years of hair transplant experience.

Eunogo: Can you tell us more about hair transplant?

Dr. Lee: Hair transplant requires sophistication. When we do hair transplant, we have to take into account the shape and balance of the face, and the angle and density of the hair collected. It’s important to find skilled surgeons who are meticulous, since the surgeon performing the surgery can drastically affect the outcome.

Indonesian actor Raffi Ahmad getting a hair transplant consultation with Dr. Lee Kyoung-gu at Banobagi's Hair Transplant Clinic

Eunogo: What’s the difference between Banobagi’s Hair Transplant Center and other clinics?

Dr. Lee: At our Hair Transplant Center, the hair transplant surgery method is determined by the individual patient’s hair line, hair condition, and whether or not the patient has curly hair. Since I have many years of experience with hair transplant, both pain and scarring are minimized with fine and neat stitching.

Eunogo: I heard that you use a robot to transplant hair. What is it for and what are the advantages of using it?

Dr. Lee: Yes, we use a special hair transplant equipment called the ‘Artas’. The biggest advantage of using the Artas robot is that it allows us to transplant hair without making incisions. With the robot, the hair follicle collection time is significantly shorter as compared to manual hair follicle collection, resulting in a higher hair follicle collection rate. A shorter surgery duration also reduces the patient's fatigue.

Eunogo: How do you recommend the surgery method? What are the different methods and what are their differences? according to incision, non-segmentation differences and hair loss symptoms?

Dr. Lee: In the incisional method, we first remove the skin tissue, separate the hair follicle from the skin, and then transplant the hair follicles. In the non-incisional method, we collect the hair follicles directly from the skin and transplant them. The incisional method requires removal of stitches, while the non-incisional method does not require the removal of stitches after surgery. If there’s little hair at the back of the head due to hair loss, the incisional method is recommended rather than the non-incisional method for a more definite effect.

Eunogo: What is the average rate of adhesion? What steps and precautions can we take to increase the adhesion rate?

Dr. Lee: Usually, the rate of adhesion is about 70 to 80 percent. The rate varies slightly depending on the individual’s lifestyle pattern. Special care is important to boost the adhesion rate. After the hair transplant surgery, I recommend that you take hair loss prevention medicine and apply medicine to your scalp regularly. Our Hair Transplant Center also offers a hair follicle injection called the Mezzo Therapy, that can help make your hair follicles stronger and healthier. Lastly, I also recommend patients to avoid smoking and drinking in their daily lives and to sleep between 10 pm and 2 am.

Eunogo: Is there anyone who can't get a hair transplant?

Dr. Lee: Hair transplant is not recommended for those under 23 years of age. However, in some rare cases, we have performed hair transplant for those who have experienced hair loss since an early age and their appearance is causing them a lot of stress. The reason for the age limit is that if you transplant your hair at an early age, your hair follicles may shrink when you’re older, leading to hair loss later in life. Therefore, it is recommended that you proceed when you’re at least 23 years old.

Eunogo: How effects can you see from hair transplant?

Dr. Lee: Hair transplant allows you to fill in the gaps in the hair and gives you a complete and organised hairline. This can give confidence to those who have lost confidence in their appearance due to hair loss.

Eunogo: How long do we have to wait to see the results? Will there be any problems for Southeast Asians since the weather is so hot and humid?

Dr. Lee: At least 6 to 9 months after the surgery, you will begin to feel and see that your hair is getting thicker, but you'll have to wait at least a year to see the final results of the surgery. Southeast Asia is very hot and humid, so the sweat glands will expand, so it is recommended to refrain from going out in the hot weather and sweating a lot for at least a month after surgery.

Eunogo: Will the transplanted hair fall again? What are some precautions we can take to prevent that?

Dr. Lee: The transplanted hair is collected from areas that do not have the hair loss genes, so the transplanted hair can be considered permanent. However, the areas that were already facing hair loss before the surgery and do not have transplanted hair may continue to show signs of hair loss. To prevent this, it is important to live a regular life and to abstain from drinking and smoking.

Eunogo: Do you have any tips on healthy hair care?

Dr. Lee: Take care of your scalp to avoid dandruff, and for those with oily skin, scalp scaling at the hair center can be helpful. It is also recommended that you wash your hair with your fingers, and not your fingernails, to minimize irritation to your scalp.

Eunogo: What do you think is the most important thing about hair transplant?

Dr. Lee: No matter how successful the operation is, the results will be worse than expected if it is not managed after the surgery. As mentioned earlier, if you refrain from drinking and smoking, sleep between 10 pm and 2 am, and maintain healthy hair through good scalp care, you can maximize your surgery results.

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