Silicon vs Saline, Know Your Breast Implants

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Shopping for flattering bras, bikinis and tops can be a stressful and discouraging experience for those who are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their breasts. Sometimes we wish we can sculpt our own body and imagine our breasts being more plump and round. The imagination in our head can come true with breast implants! With breast implants (commonly called a boob job), you can choose the shape and size of the implant you want and the final result will bring fascination to your own body.

However tempting breast implants can be to achieve the glamorous body that we admire, for some, the idea of putting something in their body may sound scary. Yet, it is important to explore the many options you have for breast implants and know exactly what it is that you want and what would be best suitable for you. Once you make up your mind, it would be a good idea to know beforehand what you can do before and after the surgery to help you go through a smooth procedure and to give you the perfect, lasting result you are dreaming of.

Today, we will give you some ideas on the various types of breast implants you can choose from and some tips on what you can do before and after the surgery.

One common misconception that getting breast implants is simply putting a cup in the breast. There are many factors to consider, such as the material and type of the implant.

breast implant in korea

1. Saline breast implants have an outer silicone shell filled sterile salt water. They are inserted empty and then filled once they are in place. If the implant ruptures, the saline implant will deflate and the leaking saline solution will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body without posing any health risks.

2. Silicone breast implants also have an outer silicone shell but these are pre-filled with silicone gel. The silicone gel is a thick, sticky fluid that closely mimics the feel of human fat, making them look and feel like natural breasts. If the implant ruptures, the Silicone implant does not collapse because any free silicone tends to remain trapped in the fibrous tissue that forms around the implant. In the case where the silicone leaks, although it is not thought to cause any long-term health problems, it might eventually cause breast pain or changes in the contour or shape of the breasts. In this case, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.  

The above are only a few selected types of breast implants to choose from, but keep in mind that there are more specific types, like gummy bear, round, smooth or textured implants, that you should consult your doctor about. Based on individuals' breast anatomy, body type and other factors, one type of implant may be more suitable than another for optimal cosmetic result, so consulting a surgeon about the details would be a wise choice.

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