Tips to ensure natural results after breast augmentation surgery

Photo Credit: Marble Plastic Surgery Korea

The most common concern that patients have with breast implants is the "naturalness" of the implant. Many women are worried about the breast implants showing up or being recognized that they got breast augmentation surgery.

The shape and feel of the implants are very factors to consider. This is why there are various surgical methods, types and sizes of implants. Some patients do extensive research on the Internet and select the best surgeons.

"Free Space Breast Augmentation" Surgery Method

Lately, "Free Space Breast Augmentation," which makes your breast look more natural, has been popular. "Free Space Breast Augmentation" is a procedure that provides additional "free space" in addition to the space in which implants are inserted to maintain the natural breast shape while creating a voluminous chest, allowing the prosthesis to move freely and induce a natural chest shape. With space for the implants to move freely, the shape of the breasts will look natural even as you change body positions. If the space created to insert the implant is small and narrow, it will likely look unnatural since it is unable to move freely.

Concern #1: Unnatural movement

The most common complaint with breast augmentation surgery is that the implants do not spread out like they would naturally when lying down. With "Free Space Breast Augmentation", the additional space makes it possible for the breasts to spread naturally when lying down.

Concern #2: Scars

Scars are also one of the top concerns of women. The scarring varies depending on the area of the incision, most of which are naturally hidden in the armpit, or along the undersides of the breasts. When implants are inserted with the "Free Space Breast Augmentation" surgery method, the chest is transformed with more natural shape and feel.

Concern #3: Unsure on implants and surgical methods

If you have decided to have breast augmentation surgery, you may be aware that there are many types of implants and surgical methods out there. You should choose the implants and surgical methods by considering your body type, chest circumference, skin condition, sagging condition of the chest, and incision preference.

Although the surgery is important for breast augmentation, post-operative care is also very important. In order to get satisfactory results, you have to be consistent with post-operative care.

According to Dr. Seo Il Beom, a board-certified plastic surgeon & Director at Marble Plastic Surgery Korea who specializes in breast surgery, there are few tips we can keep in mind to ensure natural texture and results. 

Tips to ensure natural-looking results after breast augmentation surgery

  1. Whether a post-surgery massage is required depends on the type of implant. If a smooth implant is used, massage is required, whereas a texture type implant has a curved surface that naturally adheres to the surrounding tissue, so it has the advantage of not requiring massages.
  2. Consistently wear compression garments after your surgery to help shape the chest and keep it in place.
  3. You may be prescribed preventative medicine for capsular contracture depending on your condition. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult with your doctor before the surgery.
  4. High-frequency treatments not only softens the breast membranes, but also helps reduce swelling and bruising, increase blood circulation
  5. Smart Lux treatment is effective in preventing capsular contracture, relieving swelling and pain, and producing collagen
  6. Receive regular progress check-ups (at the 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year mark) and conduct regular ultrasound checks for breast-related diseases after the surgery.

    Here's how the recovery timeline of breast augmentation surgery typically goes:

    • Day of surgery: Wear the compression garments
    • 1 day after surgery: Surgical incision site disinfection, Smart Lux treatment
    • 2 days after surgery: Removal of blood pockets (whether or not the blood pockets are necessary depends on the surgery method)
    • 7 days after surgery: Removal of stitches, prescription medicine to prevent capsular contracture, high frequency treatment, progress check-up with the doctor.
    • 14 days after surgery: High frequency treatment

    Post-operative care is important to ensure you get the best results from your breast augmentation surgery. If you are interested in breast augmentation, you can check out our program here.

    More info?

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